Visual Journal # 4. Google Art Project

The Last Day of Pompeii

This painting signified a lot of things for me when I saw it, having knowledge of  the events that happened in Pompeii is what attracted me to it but soon after I found myself liking it. I could spend my time writing on how it was made as an oil painting. I could explain how it was part of the neoclassical style, that has a lot of bright colors, value and shape, how this had so many combinations from Flemish to German Art with a lot of realism and romanticism. There are so many things happening in this single shot, this single moment in time. I see people running away in fear,The expression of despair in their faces, the woman dead on the ground with her child in her arms, people are getting crushed by crumbling buildings, a family covering themselves waiting for the end. This painting took me by the gut and through me up in the sky and an explosion went off and it slowly made me float back down to earth like a feather slowly being pulled apart while it rains…I’m not sure how great of an explanation or visual picture that painted but that was my reaction to this specific painting I liked it.



Visual Journal # 6. Tate Shots

The video is called “Anna Calvi performance inspired by Peter Doig”

This painting is the Inspiration for the song.

Echo Lake





The name if the Painting is called Echo lake. The song that was Inspiration by it for me was in one word emotional to say the least. I have no words or anything, specific to describe my reaction it was more of an bundle of emotions.
I felt moved emotionally, I felt embraced and I felt suppressed, I love when I hear a song that has no words but conveys so many emotions. The song made me feel as if I was experienced all the context in it,This personally was a great find for me.

Visual Journal # 5. Artist Website

Wim Delvoye ‘s “Chantier”












My Reaction to this piece was that of peaked interest I suppose, at first I though it could of been a replica of a ancient Chinese relic but it something completely different then what I had though, its a cement mixer and you would never be able to tell if you didn’t give it thought, I was pleasantly surprised, It looks beautiful majestic like it belonged to Royalty but as I said its only a cement mixer, I liked it after picking this I Went back to the website and looked at a bunch of his other art mostly his Gothic Art, you have shown us his work before right? Cement Truck?

Feels awfully familiar, any who I liked this piece it was  a surprise I guess everything can be majestic and beautiful in their own way, depending on how you look at it.

Visual Journal # 2. Interview a Classmate

Name: Stephanie Auguste

Family’s Countries of origin: Haiti

Birthplace: Florida

College Major or Career Path: Nursing

What do you do in your spare time? Watch TV, eat and make a lot of jokes

Name 3 things from your “Bucket list”: get a tattoo, go scuba diving and skydiving

What is your definition of art? anything that is inspirational

What do you hope to learn in this class? how to draw

Visual Journal # 1. Random Art Find


Relaxing Fox

First I should say this piece did not excite me, or made me sad but made me pause and reflect for a second. I feel indifferent, not a care in the world and from this Art piece, I can see my reflection. I look at this wolf and I start to wonder why it must be feeling this way. I feels at though I should understand but I am simply unable to. This art piece was the only good thing that made me show interest this week and that is a great task to be done by just a simple painting.I’m glad I landed on it, truly it made me understood what I was feeling.

Bing Search: Relaxing Artwork